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General diet for fitness

 General diet for fitness

A general diet for fitness

A diet that will make you lose ten kilograms in two weeks

You are required to shake off the masses of fat accumulated on your body... and you must hurry to set your foot on the path to fitness. There are many recipes and methods, and each of them carries the dream of imitation. Fitness, but many women fail to achieve what they dream of, but this new diet comes and it carries with it the evidence in the picture. There is no fear of hunger, but commitment to what is necessary and the specific result will be losing ten kilograms every time. The duration of the new diet is two weeks, and it can be repeated once every two months because, despite its nutritional integrity, it relies on strictness and preventing eating any additional meals between the stipulated meals, because it is medically known that eating snacks such as candy bars and soft drinks between meals is the most prominent cause of weight gain and obesity. Cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, green apples and pears can only be eaten with two glasses of water at each additional meal. This system is distinguished by the fact that it does not deprive the body of some of the animal fat necessary for its operations. Abstaining from it completely and replacing it with vegetable oil represents a serious danger to the digestive system, as if these oils are consumed in large quantities and for a long time, they help in causing stomach and duodenal ulcers, but simple fats play the role of soothing the wall. Stomach. The philosophy of the 2000 diet is based on the number of calories not exceeding one thousand per day, which is sufficient to lose weight.


The first week

The first day


A slice of toasted black bread + 15 grams of fat-free white cheese + A half-boiled egg, because eggs that have been boiled for a long time contain high concentrations of proteins and albumin and are difficult to digest. One egg stays in the stomach for approximately 5 hours until it is digested, while half-boiled eggs are easier to digest. In addition to the above, a person eats a piece of fruit.

At ten in the morning:

A medium orange.


A thin piece of lamb fried in a teaspoon of local ghee and added to it are onion rings, black pepper without salt, a tomato, and a medium bell pepper. With 3 tablespoons of boiled rice.

At four in the afternoon:

A fruit salad consisting of half a medium apple, a kiwi fruit, and a cup of lemonade without sugar. A spoonful of Dream Whip artificial cream can be added to the previous group of fruits, or my yogurt.


A slice of toasted brown bread with a thin slice of grilled lamb + lettuce, lemon juice, and a peeled carrot because it contains important vitamins for the skin and eyes.

The second day


Home-made yogurt and lemon juice without sugar.

At ten in the morning:

An apple and a teaspoon of fresh cream.


Two spoons of boiled or diet rice with a plate of fresh green salad (lettuce, tomato, carrot, cucumber, and bell pepper) and two pieces of marinated mushrooms.

At 4 p.m.:

A plate of fresh green salad.


A slice of brown bread, barley bread, a small square piece of white cheese (cottage cheese), two pieces of seasoned mushrooms, and any type of root such as beets or red radishes.

The third day


A cup of skim milk, a slice of toasted brown bread, bell pepper, and a plate of fava beans.

At ten in the morning:

Tangerine or orange.


150 grams of boiled potatoes, boiled peas, and meat soup without eating the meat.

Four o’clock:

A piece of pastry (croissant).


A slice of Toasted brown bread with a medium tomato, a half-boiled egg, and a salad of lettuce and arugula only, topped with white vinegar.

Day Four


Corn flakes with fresh milk and added sugar (one teaspoon).

10 a.m.:

Croissant dough, for example, mixed with walnuts.


A small piece of veal meat, 125 grams, grilled, with a mixture of vinegar and corn oil added to it - one teaspoon, and two teaspoons of boiled pasta without adding any fat, such as butter, for example.

Four o’clock:

Yogurt with fruits.


Skimmed white cheese, a zucchini boiled with water, light salt, and a leafy salad.

The fifth day


A cup of skimmed filtered milk and added Add sugar (a teaspoon) or any sugary syrup and a medium tangerine.

Ten o'clock in the morning:

Two tangerines with a spoon of fresh cream.


A leafy salad with boiled potatoes and a piece of grilled lamb, topped with a sauce consisting of lemon, vinegar, whipped lemon, salt, cinnamon, and hot pepper.

Four o'clock:

A slice of toast with butter and a quarter spoon of white vinegar. It is noted that vinegar is used with fats because it neutralizes their effect to a large extent and does not cause them to be concentrated in the form of cholesterol in the body.


Boiled pasta without butter and a green salad added to it.

Day Six


An apple with thick milk added to it without removing the fat from it.

Ten o’clock:

A slice of brown bread with a spoonful of jam on it.

Lunch :

150 kg of a mixture of red meat, boiled potatoes, and a cup of lemon without sugar.

Four o’clock:

A piece of pears.


A piece of toasted brown bread covered with a layer. Of cheese, butter, and red radish.

The seventh day


A piece of white bread with cheddar cheese, parsley, and lettuce.

Ten o’clock:

Grapefruit drink.


Vegetable soup - potatoes, zucchini and sweet pepper.

Four o’clock:

A piece of thin bread or a slice of brown bread and jam.


Fruit salad of 50 grams with a spoon of fresh cream.

The second week

The first day


Croissant, tomatoes and carrots with red radish.

Ten o’clock:

A cup of grapefruit juice or Orange.


Grilled steak with lemon and vinegar sauce and boiled rice with parsley.

Four o’clock:

A quarter loaf of barley or brown bread and a piece of butter.

The second day

< h4>Breakfast:Yoghurt with strawberries.

Ten o’clock:

With a green salad with onions and sunflower seeds.


Boiled rice with 2 tomatoes + 2 tomatoes. Small cucumber.

Fourth hour:

Yogurt with strawberries and a tangerine or orange + 2 cups of water.


An egg with tomatoes and onions without oil.

Day Three


Brown bread with a small spoon of white honey + cucumber.

Ten o'clock:

Yogurt mixed with cocoa with lettuce.


Smoked tongue with mushrooms and boiled potatoes.

Four o'clock:

A plate of fruit salad without sugar.


Boiled rice with tomatoes and onions.

Day Four


An orange and fruit-flavored yogurt + two glasses of water.

Ten o’clock:

A piece of grilled potatoes with grilled tomatoes.

Lunch:< /h4> Smoked tongue with salad, boiled rice and red radish.


Brown bread, red radish, green salad with mustard, and 2 eggs.

Day Five


A cup of lemon with mint, a pear, a quarter of brown bread with a salad.

Ten o’clock:

Yogurt flavored with cocoa or strawberry.


Apples + oven-baked fish, potatoes, green peppers and tomatoes.

Four o’clock:

Five fresh apricots or a plate of watermelon.


Cold meat and boiled potatoes. .

Day Six


Yogurt with a roasted potato.

Ten o’clock:

A banana with 2 tomatoes.


Grilled fish with tomatoes and boiled vegetables.

Four o'clock:

A slice of brown bread with white honey.


Lettuce and cucumber with a plate of zucchini with carrots and peas.

The seventh day


A quarter loaf of brown bread with potatoes and red radishes or beets.

Ten o’clock:

A tangerine or an orange. Lunch: Tabbouleh plate with meat or chicken.

Four o’clock:

An orange.


Salad and boiled rice with dill and green beans. Although this diet is not strict, it is designed in a scientific way that creates a certain balance during digestion, which leads to weight loss through combustion. You should not replace one meal with another because it is placed in this way for specific scientific and medical purposes, and the result after 14 days is a weight loss of ten kilograms at once.
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